There are many foreign words and
phrases in current English. Find the
meanings and/or English equivalents of these foreign words and phrases.
2. A fortiori- for a still stronger
reason; even more certain; all the more.
4. A la carte- according to a menu or list that prices items
5. A la mode- fashionable; topped with
ice cream
6. A posteriori-relating to what can be
known by observation rather than through an understanding of how certain things
7. A priori- relating to what can be known
through an understanding of how certain things work rather than observation
8. Ab initio- form the beginning
9. Accoutrement-
a piece of clothing or equipment that is used in a particular place for a
particular activity
10. Achilles heel- the fault or weakness that
causes or could cause someone or something to fail
11. Ad hoc- for the particular end or case at hand
without consideration of wider application
14. Ad lib(itum)- in accordance with one’s wishes
16. Adonis-a very handsome young man
17. Aegis-the power to protect, control, or
support something or someone
18. Affidavit- a written report which is signed by
a person who promises that the information is true
19. Aficionado-a person who likes and knows a lot
about something
20. Agent provocateur- a person employed to
encourage people to break the law so that they can be arrested
22. Aide memoire- an aid to the memory especially
a mnemonic device
23. Alfresco-in the open air
24. Alibi-an excuse for not being somewhere or
doing something
25. Alpha and omega- the beginning and ending
27. Amok – a
murderous frenzy that has traditionally been regarded as occurring especially
in Malaysian culture
28. Amour proper-self- esteem
29. Anathema-someone or something that is very
strongly disliked
30. Ancien regime-a system or mode no longer
prevailing; system of France before the Revolution of 1789
31. Annus horribilis-an unfortunate year
32. Annus mirabilis- a notable year
33. Ante- amount of money that a player must bet
at the beginning of a play in a poker game
34. Ante bellum- before the war
35. Aphrodisiac-something that causes or increases
sexual desire
39. Au courant- knowing about the newest
information, trends, etc.
40. Au fait- fully informed
41. Au naturel- in a natural state
43. Bar mitzvah and bat mitzvah- literally means "son of the
commandment." "Bar" is "son" in Aramaic, which used to
be the vernacular of the Jewish people.
44. Belle vs beau-
noun for a gorgeous female, sometimes signified as the most gorgeous at a
particular gathering; French and literally means handsome or beautiful in the
masculine form.
47. Blitz- a military attack in which many bombs
are dropped from airplanes
51. Caesar’s wife- the associates of public
figures must not even be suspected of wrongdoing
55. Casus belli- an event or action that justifies
or allegedly justifies a war or conflict
57. Caveat- an explanation or warning that should
be remembered when you are doing or thinking about something
59. Ceteris paribus- if all other relevant things,
factors or elements remain unaltered
61. Confidant vs. confidante- which refers to one to whom
secrets or private thoughts are disclosed, refers to both males and females;
sometimes appears in reference
to females, but the male–female distinction is unnecessary here.
62. Cordon sanitaire-a protective barrier against
a potentially aggressive nation or a dangerous influence
63. Corpus delicti- the substantial and
fundamental fact necessary to prove the commission of a crime
64. Coup d’état- a sudden decisive of force in
politics especially the violent overthrow of an existing government
65. Coup de foudre- a thunderbolt; love at first
67. Crème de la crème- the very best
68. Cri de Coeur- a passionate outcry
69. Crise de conscience- agonizing period of moral
70. Cui bono- a principle that probable
responsibility for an act or event lies with one having something to gain
71. Cul de sac- a street that is designed to
connect to another street only at one end
72. Cum-used in hyphenated phrases to link
nouns that describe a person or thing with two jobs, uses, etc.
Danse macabre- is an artistic genre of late-medieval allegory on the
universality of death
De jure- based on or according to the law
mortuis nil nisi bonum- a Latin phrase meaning “Of the dead, nothing unless
Debacle- a great disaster or complete failure
79. Déjà vu- the illusion of remembering scenes
and events when experienced for the first time
Demeanor –behavior towards others
81. Deo
volente – God being willing
82. Dictum
– a statement or well-known remark that expresses an important idea or rule
Diktat – an order that must be followed
Divorcée, divorcé, divorcee – a divorced person
Dolce vita – a life of indolence and self-indulgence
Doppelgänger – someone who looks like someone else
Double entendre – a word of expression that can be understood in two different
ways with one way usually referring to sex
Dreidel – a children’s game of chance played especially at Hanukkah with a
dreidel (a 4-sided toy marked with Hebrew letters and spun like a top)
89. Drivel
– to talk in a very foolish or silly way
Du jour – happening or popular at a particular time
E.g. vs. i.e.
a. E.g. (“exempli gratia”) – for example
b. I.e. (“id est”) – that is, namely, or in other
92. En masse – as a single group
93. En route – on or along the way when
you are going to a place
94. En vogue, in vogue – in the current
fashion or style
95. Entente cordiale – a friendly agreement
or working relationship
96. Ergo – therefore
97. Erratum – error
98. Ersatz – copied from something else
and usually not as good as the original
99. Esprit de corps – feelings of loyalty,
enthusiasm, and devotion to a group among people who are members of the group
100. Et al. – and others
101. Et cetera (etc.) – and others especially of
the same kind; and so forth
102. Ex officio – because of your job, office, or
103. Ex post facto – after the fact
104. Fabian tactics – to wear out an opponent by
delay and evasion rather than
confrontation, in the style of the ancient Roman general Fabius
105. Fait accompli – something that has been done
and cannot be changed
106. Fatwah – a non-binding judgment on a point of
Islamic law given by a recognized
religious authority
107. Faux pas – an embarrassing social mistake
108. Femme fatale – a very attractive woman who
causes trouble or unhappiness for
the men who become involved with her
109. Fiancé vs. fiancée
a. Fiancé – a man engaged to be married
b. Fiancée – a woman engaged to be married
110. Floreat – may (he, she, or it) flourish
111. Force majeure – superior or irresistible force
112. Forte – one’s strong point
113. Futz vs putz
a. Futz – to pass time in idleness
b. Putz – fool; jerk
114. Gaudeamus – a university students’ gathering or
115. Gesundheit – used to wish good health to
someone who has sneezed
116. Jist – the substance or essence of a speech or
117. Gordian knot – a complicated and difficult
118. Gung-ho – extremely excited and enthusiastic
about doing something
119. Habeas corpus – an order to bring a jailed
person before a judge or court to find
out if that person should really be in jail
120. Halcyon days – a period of peace and happiness
121. Hara-kiri – suicide by disembowelment; suicide
122. Hippocratic oath – an oath embodying a code of
medical ethics usually taken by
those about to begin medical practice
123. Hoi polloi – ordinary people
124. Honoris causa – (especially of a degree awarded
without examination) as a mark of
125. Ibid vs idem
a. Ibid – in the same place
b. Idem – the same as something previously
126. Imbroglio – a complex dispute or argument
127. Impasse – a situation in which no progress
seems possible
128. Imprimatur – office approval
129. In absentia – without being present
130. In extremis – at the point of death; in a very
difficult situation
131. In memoriam – in memory of (someone who has
132. In toto – as a whole
133. In vino veritas – under the influence of
alcohol, someone tells the truth
134. Incognito – with your true identity kept secret
135. Inter alia – among other things
136. Interim – a period of time between events
137. Iota – a very small amount
138. Ipso facto – because of that fact
139. Je ne sais quoi – a pleasant quality that is
hard to describe
140. Kamikaze – an airplane containing explosives to
be flown in a suicide crash on a
141. Kaput – no longer working; no longer able to
142. Kowtow – to agree too easily or eagerly to do
what someone else wants you to do
143. Laissez-faire – a policy that allows businesses
to operate with very little
interference from the government
144. Lingua franca – a language that is used among
people who speak various different
145. Magnum opus – a great work; the greatest achievement
of an artist or writer
146. Mandamus – a write issued by a superior court
commanding the performance of a
specified official act or duty
147. Mea culpa – a statement in which you say that
something is your fault
148. Memento mori – a reminder of mortality
149. Mens sana in corpora sano – “a sound mind in a
sound body”
150. Mensch – a person of integrity and honor
151. Midas touch – an uncanny ability for making
money in every venture
152. Milieu – the physical or social setting in
which people live or in which something
happens or develops
153. Modus operandi (m.o, MO) – the usual way that a
particular criminal performs a crime
154. Modus Vivendi – an arrangement that helps
people, groups, or countries
work together peacefully even though they do not agree with each other
155. Omnibus – of, relating to, or including many
156. Moratorium – a time when a particular activity
is not allowed
157. Muumuu – a Hawaiian dress that is usually long,
loose-fitting, and decorated with
bright colors
158. Nebbish – a timid, meek, or ineffectual person
159. Noblese oblige – rich people should help poor
160. Noel or nowel – a shout of joy usually done in
161. Nom de plume – pen name
162. Non sequitur – the conclusion doesn’t follow
its premise
163. Nota bene – used to direct attention to
something more important
164. Nouveau riche – riches that have been acquired
through family ties and generation
165. Nunchucks – danger sticks
166. Omerta – honor code that says that we must
maintain absolute silence when dealing with authorities in a particular place
167. Pandora’s box – a source of complication
168. Papabile - worthy
169. Par excellence – better or more than all others
of the same kind
170. Per diem – a daily allowance for expenses
171. Per se – in itself
172. Persona non grata – unwelcome person
173. Pooh-bah -
a person who has great power and influence
174. Prima facie – first encounter
175. Primus inter pares – first among equals
176. Pro bono – voluntary work
177. Pro forma – a document that is provided as a
178. Pro patria – nationalistic person
179. Pros and cons – advantages and disadvantages
180. Protégé – a student who has a specific teacher
181. Proviso – a condition attached to an agreement
182. Quasi – being partly or almost
183. Quid pro quo – combining form
184. Quorum – minimum number of person
185. RAIP/requiescat in pace – rest in peace
186. Raison d’être – a thing that is most important
to someone
187. Realpolitik – politics based on power and
material factors and considerations
188. Repertoire or repertory – strock of skills
189. Requiem – mass for the dead
190. Restaurateur – a person who manages a
191. Résumé – a document showing all of your
192. Rite de passage – “rite of passage”
193. Sang froid – the ability to stay calm in
difficult situations
194. Sans - preposition
195. Savoir faire – the ability to behave correctly
in different situations
196. Schadenfreude – pleasure from the misfortunes
of others
197. Schmuck – stupid or foolish
198. Shtick – “piece”
199. Sic – “thus it was written”
200. Simpatico – agreeable; likeable
201. Sine die – without day
202. Sine qua non – indispensable or essential
203. Skullduggery - trickery
204. Smorgasbord - buffet
205. Spartan – someone who is strong
206. Status quo – the exisiting state of affairs
207. Stet – to disregard something
208. Sub judice – under judgement
209. Sub rosa – under the rose
210. Subpoena – is a writ issued by a government
211. Sui generis – of his/her kind
212. Summa cum laude or magna cum laude – highest
award possible in college
213. Tabula rasa – mind at birth is a “blank state”
214. Take the mickey out of someone – to make fun
out of someone
215. Terra firma – solid earth
216. Tete-a-tete – a private conversation between
two people
217. Toilette – a fashionable dress or attire
218. Touché or touché – acknowledgement during a
good discussion of a clever point
219. Tour de force – exceptional achievement by an
220. Troika – group of three things
221. Trojan horse – a security breach
222. Uber - above
223. Ultra vires – beyond the powers
224. Vamoose – to leave hurriedly
225. Verbatim – in exactly the same words
226. Verklempt – choked with emotion
227. Vice versa – the other way around
228. Vis-a-vis – face to face
229. Viva voce – with living voice
230. Viz – as follows
231. Voilà – used when presenting something
232. Vox populi – interview with members of the
general public
233. Whirling dervish – physically active meditation
234. Wunderkind – a young successful person
235. Zeitgeist
– dominant school of thought
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